I decide start from today, i don't want to do any post in my fb's wall except song from Youtube..
bule kha sy tahan x post apa2 di wall sy tue ar??? hehe.. a bit wonder jg nie^^
Then where will i post?
Yay! pura2 lg kan hehe^^ sy post di sini ja lar >.<
So, do not shock or whatsoever within 1 day maybe i post more then 2 entries ekekekeke..
klu sy rajin lar ar.. sy nie kan pemalas tahap dewa-dewi >.<
Okie dokie! Quick update from me today.
--> Today's class more too Mr.S's classes, so it's a bit more bored (dgr dia bcakap ja di depan + sakit tgn sy saling nota dia yg byk itu :( )
--> After 5pm, me and my biatches went to Jusco Kepong (gara2 mgidam itu durian pancake ja bha^^)
--> The best part was when we inside the taxi. the taxi driver said "lu olang sabah kha? haiiyaaa.. mula2 tgk lu olang td ar, macam jepun macam cina ooo, smpai xtaw maw cakap apa ma lu olang ooo"
ok! we need to admit that we have this multiform of face.. yalar! since we went here in Peninsular mcm2 sdh jenis soalan kna tanya. sy mgumpat dlm kadazan bule2 sy kna ckp tourist from philipines. time tgh shopping sna Padang Besar Perlis plak sy kena suruh cpt2 nek bus blk Thailand, dorg bilang nnt kena tgl. Muka sy pnya jaw dr itu org Thailand.. sandiiiiii .. Nah! sikalang kena cakap macam itu jipun suda (pdhal time skul dulu slalu menangis nie sbb kna ejek jipun mata sepet huhu )